Linux console info and motd

When spinning up new Linux VMs I often lose track of IP addresses and hostnames, here’s a quick way to see pertinent info in the console window (e.g. within VirtualBox or VMware Workstation).

Console Info

# /etc/issue
Debian GNU/Linux 12 \n \l
ens33: \4{ens33}  |  \6{ens33}

\4 and \6 show the contained interface addresses, if you just don’t add the interface name, it will report the first non-loopback address – but I like to be explicit. All options are available from ‘man issue’. Note there is a trailing line to separate from the login prompt.


Ubuntu specifically has a very noisy MOTD when you login as a user – some of the info is indeed useful, but it’s lost in a sea of trivia.

For Debian systems, you can simply edit the /etc/motd file to clean up or add whatever you’d like, but Ubuntu has a more complex method:

I generally remove the following to clean it up.

  • 91-contract-ua-esm-status
  • 10-help-text
  • 50-motd-news

The ESM / Ubuntu Pro ad requires a little more work to remove as it’s pulled in via the update-notifier used for the useful notifications of available updates. Per, you can run the follow sed script to remove the offending parts of the script, leaving it otherwise intact.

sudo sed -Ezi.orig -e 's/(def _output_esm_service_status.outstream, have_esm_service, service_type.:\n)/\1    return\n/'   -e 's/(def _output_esm_package_alert.*?\n.*?\n.:\n)/\1    return\n/'   /usr/lib/update-notifier/

This leads to a much more condensed and useful MOTD.